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Job Listing Packages

Our Job Listing Packages

A better career is out there. We'll help you find it. We're your first step to becoming everything you want to be.


  • 1 job posting
  • Job displayed for 15 days
  • No Featured On Demand
  • No Advertisement Campaign


  • 1 job posting
  • Featured On Demand
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • 30 Days Package Expiry
  • €30.00 Advertisement Campaign*


  • 5 job posting
  • Featured On Demand
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • 60 Days Package Expiry
  • €150.00 Advertisement Campaign*


  • 10 job postings
  • Featured On Demand
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • 90 Days Package Expiry
  • €300.00 Advertisement Campaign*

* – Paid Social Media Advertisement campaign with the budget of €30.00 per job post.

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